Weep Holes In A Tiled Roof

Cement Tiles, Terracotta Tiles

Whether or not you need weep holes on your tiled roof is a topic of much debate within the roofing community.

A weep hole is a nail-sized hole in the top ridge pointing to a tiled roof. They are made every 30cm along the ridge pointing. These holes allow water to escape. As a result, the ridge point stays dry. It is crucial that ridge pointing remains dry because the bedding holding this part of the roof together is cement. Cement, although strong, is porous, which means it has lots of little holes in it, allowing water to soak in. When water soaks into the concrete, it accumulates and results in cracking and other issues.

When flexible pointing was introduced, people assumed that weep holes would be redundant because who wants holes in their roof? However, this theory relies on the fact that flexible pointing will uphold its integrity until the end of time.  Flexible pointing manufacturers recommend that you still use weep holes, and we agree we put them in all our tiled roofing.

Tile Roof Weep Holes

Weep holes are an exciting topic within the roofing community because different companies may have differing opinions. Contact Sandhurst Roofing to learn more about this service.  Also, here’s some frequently asked questions we get about weep holes.


What happens if a weep hole gets blocked?

Weep holes are designed to let water out, if a weep hole is blocked the water can go back into your roof . If water is trapped under your tiles it can be detrimental, because it can cause structural damage to your property.

Are there Australian Standards for weep holes?

The Australian Building Code states: “Australian Standards 3700 – 2011 Section 4.7. 2: Weep holes shall be provided wherever it is necessary to drain moisture from or through masonry construction

terracotta tile roof restoration

Sandhurst Roofing

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